Google’s Speed Update Will Rank Faster Loading Yoga Sites Better

Google regularly changes how it delivers search results. They do this because Google wants search results to be exactly what the user is looking for. The idea is simple: the better Google becomes as a search engine the more market share they’ll be able to capture. And Google already commands over 90% of all Internet web searches. Understanding how Google ranks websites can help you position your yoga website so that potential clients can find you more easily. One rank factor is the speed of a website.

According to a recent article by Search Engine Roundtable, Google rolled out a speed update on July 9, 2018. The article details that, “if you see your mobile traffic change – i.e. get better or worse, that may be related to this change. If you have a slow mobile site and you see less traffic from Google and Google Search Console shows you ranking changes with mobile – then it might be related to this Speed Update. If you see more traffic, it might mean that your competitors are slow, super slow, on mobile.”

Here’s a tip: when uploading photos, make sure they are compressed. This will reduce their file size and make your yoga website load faster! Stay tuned for more tips about how to optimize to your yoga website to get more clients.

Featured Photo by OpenClipart on Pixabay